
Since I was young, I worked at a jewelry business founded by my father, who was artisanal jeweler. It wasn't until 2016 that my artistic life began, when the occurrence of certain events caused an earthquake in my professional world.
I love art and the creativity, so first I decided to take different painting and drawing courses at the ¨Escola de la Dona¨, and after this l enrolled at the ¨Escola Massana¨ where I did a CFGS in Arts Applied to the Wall. In 2019 I presented my final project and settled in a studio in Barcelona where I began to develop my artwork.
 That’s when I started to question who I am, how I’ve come to be, and what I can become. I thought about, how my family environment has influenced my personality and how my surroundings have left their mark on everything I do.
My conclusion is that human behavior is the result of genetics and its circumstances. Everything impacts us and makes us become who we are. Our origins, our bonds, and our mind makes us unique and different. 
Art allows me to explain my feelings, and thats when my paint starts to flow.
​I like abstract art and the organic and geometric shapes, but also the figurative art. I use all sorts of colors, brushes and spatulas to play with different movements on several types of surfaces. I like the brightness of the gold-leaf  which is a material I often employ in my artwork because it connects me to my past. 
I don´t want to limit myself and I want to continue growing artistically to develop my ideas. 


2022-2023 - Engraving course at “El Visor school” in Barcelona.
2019-2020- Photoshop course at "Escola de la Dona", Barcelona.
2016-2019 - "CFGS Arts Aplicades al Mur". Mural painting at "Massana School", Barcelona.
2015  - Pictorial techniques, procedures and spatial composition at "Escola de la Dona", Barcelona


2024-"Dones en complicitat VI"; Group exhibition at "Casino de Caldes",Barcelona.
2023-"Col.lectiva Contemporànea";Group exhibition at "Abartium", Calldetenes, Barcelona.
2023- Selected by "Reial Cercle Artístic of Barcelona" for "Prize Barcelona City-Agbar 2023"
2023- “Arte en femenino”; Group exhibition at “Galeria Nau Art”, Poble Nou, Barcelona.
2023- “Dones en complicitat V”;  Group exhibition at “Casino de Caldes de Montbui”, Barcelona.
2022- Group exhibition “TOP-2022”, “Tallers oberts de Poblenou”,Barcelona.
2022- “ Art de Nadal”; Group exhibition at “BCM Art Gallery”, Barcelona.
2022- “Ecología y arte” ; Group Exhibition at “Galeria Nau Art”, Poble Nou, Barcelona.
2022- “Abstract” ; Group exhibition at “Mrs.Toolip Art Gallery”, Barcelona.
2022- “25 Miradas”; Group exhibition at “La Puntual”, Sant Cugat, Barcelona.
2022- “Pinceladas de arte Europeo” ; Group exhibition at “Galeria Gaudí”, Madrid.
2022-  “About Women” ;  Group exhibition at “Studio 40” , Wales, UK.
2022- “Art Fair Luxemburg” ; Group exhibition, Luxemburg.
2022 - “ Artabril” Group exhibition at “Casino” of  Caldes de Montbui, Bcn.
2022 - “Dones en complicitat IV” Group exhibiton at “Casino” of Caldes de Montbui, Bcn.
2022 -  “Vital Maps” Individual exhibition at  “Sala Delger” of  Caldes de Montbui, Bcn.
2021 - “Pensaments abstractes”  Individual exhibition in “Col·legi de Metges” , Barcelona.
2020 -”Premi de Pintura Emergent Barcelona 2021” Group exhibition in “Port Gallery”, Barcelona.
2018 - Selected by the collective work-art with “Massana School”, to do one mural in “ Molí de Finestrelles School”.
2017 - Selected by the collective work-art with “Massana School” to do one mural  “P4R3T IV” on the University of Political Sciences of Bellaterra, Bcn. 
2018  3rd -Finalist ex-aequo with ¨Triomf ¨, design of the Champions Medal  of  UFEC. (Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya).
2022 - Interview in @cuturalia comunicacion.
2022 - Interview  at ¨Radio Gràcia¨  107,7 FM.